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  • Japanese Food

    Posted: December 19, 2021 Author: Dr. Moss Comments: 0
    I bask again in the glory of one of the great cuisines of the world, its cultivated variety, subdued majesty, refined hue, texture, and arrangement, and, yes, its transporting tastes and rarified flavors.
  • Against Masking Our Children: My Experience With a Local School Board

    Posted: December 19, 2021 Author: Dr. Moss Comments: 0
    Masking in general is an abomination, but masking school children is particularly egregious.
  • Resisting COVID Tyranny

    Posted: December 19, 2021 Author: Dr. Moss Comments: 0
    History will judge this to be medicine’s darkest hour. It will rank among the worst of medical atrocities and genocides. What is telling and tragic is that the rot of official medicine has spread not only to its commanding institutions, but to local hospitals and medical staffs.
  • Chanukah, Christmas, and Western Civilization

    Posted: December 19, 2021 Author: Dr. Moss Comments: 0
    The two holidays are central to understanding America.
  • America in Crisis: A Red State Manifesto to Defend the Nation - And Our Rights

    Posted: November 14, 2021 Author: Dr. Moss Comments: 0
    A Red State Call To Action!
  • Red States: Our Last Bastion of Defense

    Posted: November 14, 2021 Author: Dr. Moss Comments: 0
    Only Red States Can Save the Nation.
  • Against Masking Children: Working With A Local School Board

    Posted: November 14, 2021 Author: Dr. Moss Comments: 0
    Masking in general is an abomination, but masking school children is particularly egregious.
  • The Towering and Pathetic Cowardice of Republicans

    Posted: February 17, 2021 Author: Dr. Moss Comments: 0
    For once, Republican eunuchs, stand up to the horde, defend the nation, our history, culture, and civilization, before the barbarians destroy it forever.
  • Crush and Destroy Culture

    Posted: February 17, 2021 Author: Dr. Moss Comments: 0
    We are well beyond cancel culture. The proper term is “crush and destroy culture.” But it is worse than that. These are the forces of darkness, the enemies of civilization that can and must be defeated.
  • BLM Republicans

    Posted: February 17, 2021 Author: Dr. Moss Comments: 2
    BLM Republicans, our chest-less Republican boys.
  • Impeach The RINOs

    Posted: February 16, 2021 Author: Dr. Moss Comments: 0
    Good riddance, Vichy Republicans.
  • Indianapolis Has Fallen: A Red State Surrenders Its Capitol

    Posted: February 16, 2021 Author: Dr. Moss Comments: 0
    Indianapolis is the crown jewel of Indiana, particularly Monument Circle. And so it should remain.
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