Taking A Knee Against America: On The NFL Players and Owners


Taking A Knee Against America

Dr. Richard Moss, Candidate for Congress,

Condemns the NFL Players and Owners

Jasper, Indiana.  Dr. Richard Moss, candidate for Congress, condemned the actions of NFL players and owners for “taking a knee” during the national anthem.  He, like millions of Americans, is critical of the lack of respect shown by the coddled millionaire athletes of the NFL.

“These millionaire players have no appreciation for their country and how lucky they are to be here.  They live in the lap of luxury in the greatest country in the world, earn millions every year playing a game, and enjoy a lifestyle they could never have anywhere else.”

“The singing of the national anthem before sporting events is an American tradition that we have enjoyed for more than a hundred years, dating back to World War I.  It is an American custom to put politics aside before a game and pay homage to our flag and country.  When football players ‘take a knee,’ they dishonor the flag and the country it represents. They dishonor the millions of patriotic Americans who love their country and are fans of the NFL.  And they dishonor the millions of Americans who have served in the military and sacrificed to preserve our rights, and the police who protect us daily in our communities.” 

“I’ve got news for the pampered millionaires – you are not victims and you are not oppressed.  You are among the most privileged people on earth.  I agree with President Trump that it would be the right thing for the owners to fire these players.”    

“It is not a free speech issue. The NFL banned teams from honoring five murdered Dallas cops and 9/11 victims.  If players want to pray on the field before a game they would not be allowed.  Free speech is protected, it seems, only when it promotes a leftist, anti-American agenda.”

“Patriotic Americans are tired of being insulted by Hollywood movie stars, fake media, late night comedians, and now by millionaire athletes who don’t appreciate how good they have it in this country.  They have had enough of the left politicizing everything including football games.”

“If players are entitled to free speech then so are Americans who honor their flag and country. Patriotic Americans have a right to criticize them and to stop going to their games, watching them on TV, or buying the products of their sponsors.  Take a page from the left and boycott them.  It is time to defend our culture and traditions and stand up for America.”

Dr. Richard Moss is a board certified head and neck cancer surgeon and was a candidate for Congress in 2016. He graduated from the Indiana University School of Medicine and has been in practice in Jasper and Washington, IN for over 20 years. He is married with four children. 

For more information visit RMoss4Congress.com. Contact us at hq@rmoss4congress.com. Find Moss For Congress on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.



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