Zimmerman And Racial Justice


            The circus is over.  All the clowns have gone home.  It was a great show.  But they’ll be back.  Because this is the circus and the show must go on.

            George Zimmerman was acquitted in a case that should never have come to trial.  He engaged in self-defense and not second-degree murder or manslaughter as charged.  None of the elements of those two charges applied in the Zimmerman case and so should never have been brought. Zimmerman though was not charged with a legal crime but a political one, the crime of “racism.”  He was also not on trial, his country was.  Zimmerman was only a foil.

The race business in America is thriving. Under our first black President, it has expanded.  Limited before to the inner cities, it has now gone national. Race players on parade everywhere, in our streets, across our TV screens, into every nook and cranny of American life.

 For the race industry, there is only one story that matters, the story of American racism, and they have taken that story to the bank.  Legions of administrators, diversity “experts,” bureaucrats, lawyers, government agencies, “civil rights” organizations, "community" groups, street agitators, unions, and politicians, a towering edifice of race mongering, has formed and profited by this story.   Zimmerman was only the latest symbol, another event to remind Americans that their country is permanently stuck in the 1950s - and no amount of special pleading, acts of contrition, or facts on the ground will change that. 

            There are thousands of homicides each year, most committed by blacks against other blacks, mostly in big cities run by liberal Democrats with strict gun laws, but only one mattered this year and that was Zimmerman.  Had his name been Rodriguez or had he been black, you never would have heard of him and there would not have been a trial.  That he turned out to be Hispanic disturbed liberal pieties, since two “minorities” do not serve the race template.  Then they coined a new expression and labeled Zimmerman a white Hispanic, an absurdity, but who cared? 

            The race crowd cannot afford to accept black progress as meaningful. They will pay no heed to the positions of power blacks hold, the influence, prestige, and wealth that blacks have won.  They will disregard the phenomenon of millions of Hispanics and other non-whites from across the globe, from Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, voluntarily coming to this country each year, abandoning their countries, culture, and family, for America.  Even if America ceases to be a white majority nation, and becomes, as many predict, a majority-minority country, another liberal conceptual absurdity, with whites in the minority and shrinking fast, losing power and significance in an increasingly multiracial and multicultural America, still the race crowd would not alter its message.  It would continue poisoning the country, stoking the flames of racial hatred, whipping up the mob, and tearing the fabric of the nation.

Race defines liberalism today and all that flows from it, an ideology of victimhood and grievance - and how to exploit it for money, votes, and political power.  The race baiting left has plundered this narrative, farmed white guilt, harvested the social pathologies of the black community, most of which have nothing to do with racism, and grown and prospered.  It has twisted the race legend into new shapes and forms to include other victim groups.  It has invested its energies in the victim fable, the slave and the oppressor myth, in all its varied manifestations, and won.  The victim-race narrative equals liberalism today.  The black community has largely followed its message; it has been led into a house of poverty and despair.     

While the goal at the dawning of the civil rights movement was to create a color-blind society, with individuals judged on merit and not skin color, the goal of the progeny of Martin Luther King’s generation has been the opposite, to promote a race-obsessed society, where races are set upon one another in mortal and perpetual conflict, and where membership in approved groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, and so on, confers privileges over others derived from some version of the race narrative and heaping servings of white guilt.  The result has been the balkanization of the nation into a mosaic of tribes, a feuding, tribal society, with each group jealously competing for government favors at the expense of the other, busily manufacturing evidence of persecution, perversely seeking victim-grievance advantages, a zero-sum Hobbesian universe, an entirely destructive agenda, and a legacy the race industry is no doubt proud of...

Only a distracted white “racist” core has been left out of this affirmative action utopia to fend for itself.  Yes, the white working class, formerly the backbone of the Democrat Party, abandoned for more fashionable demographics, clinging as they do to guns and religion. 

So Zimmerman was acquitted.  Justice was served.  But not for the race hucksters.  They will move on, looking for their next show trial, their next “moment” of American racism, to demonstrate once again that America remains irreversibly racist while promoting their lucrative careers. 





  • Finn

    July 28, 2013

    Wasn't it the black community up-in-arms? When they point the finger at the white community claiming 'injustice' due to race is that not symptomatic of racism? How would you answer the claims of the black community forgetting about white liberals? Saying this case should never have gone to trial would put you at the top of their racist list, not that your opinion is racist, but perhaps their opinion, too, is the product of a long cultivated discrimination that lingers and has nothing to do with being liberal or conservative. Its irrational and unresolved even with the strides of the Great Society. Anyway, for what it's worth, payback's are hell.

  • Finn

    July 28, 2013

    Wasn't it the black community up-in-arms? When they point the finger at the white community claiming 'injustice' due to race is that not symptomatic of racism? How would you answer the claims of the black community forgetting about white liberals? Saying this case should never have gone to trial would put you at the top of their racist list, not that your opinion is racist, but perhaps their opinion, too, is the product of a long cultivated discrimination that lingers and has nothing to do with being liberal or conservative. Its irrational and unresolved even with the strides of the Great Society. Anyway, for what it's worth, payback's are hell.

  • Michael Lewinski

    July 29, 2013

    An exceptionally insightful essay. No more can be added.

    We may some day look back, and view the Zimmerman reaction by the race pimps as the straw that broke the left's race narrative when they went a step too far

  • Steve Uebelhor

    July 29, 2013


  • Harvey Chaimowitz

    July 29, 2013

    It's because the gun was concealed behind Zimmerman's back that Martin sassed him and took a swing at him, forcing him to shoot or be beaten to death. If Zimmerman had worn the pistol in a hip holster, Martin would have simply said he was staying at his father's house and he would be alive today, since obviously Zimmerman had no intention to even take the gun out. It was all a stupid misunderstanding, giving race hustlers on both sides, such as this blog, plenty of ammo.

  • karen gioscia

    September 6, 2013

    of course this shouldn't have gone trial under any circumstances, he should have listened to the police and not proceeded. Did someone take the Bronx soul out of your heart

  • karen gioscia

    September 6, 2013

    of course this shouldn't have gone trial under any circumstances, he should have listened to the police and not proceeded. Did someone take the Bronx soul out of your heart

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