Complete Bio Running For Office Page 9
Running for Office

More recently, particularly as I watched the nation spiraling downward, first under the inept, Hoover-like Presidency of George W. Bush, and then at break neck speed under the leftist presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, I realized that I could no longer continue just criticizing from the sidelines with articles and blogs. I decided I had to enter the political arena and seek elected office.
I flirted with a run for Congress in Indiana’s 9th district for 2010, the Tea Party year, a wave election sweeping Republicans into power in the House, and a great year to have run, but ultimately withdrew because of the difficulties of running such a campaign while maintaining a solo practice. I then took the plunge for a state seat, a more reasonable compromise considering my private practice, and sought the Republican nomination for State Representative for Indiana’s 63rd district, announcing in 2013 for the primary in May of 2014.
I ran as a reform minded grassroots constitutional conservative, fighting to restore state sovereignty and to rein in an out of control federal government. I spoke of the need to rebuild our broken culture and family, and to reinstate family and faith as the twin pillars of our communities. I argued for a vision of state activism beyond budgets, roads, and schools, as important as those matters were, as a vehicle for blunting an all-powerful central government. These and other conservative issues animated my campaign.

The process was bracing, a full-throated effort with volunteers, fundraisers, parades, festivals, interviews, phone banking, yard signs, door knocking, banners, ads, radio and TV interviews, speeches, and events. I met many good, deeply concerned Hoosiers. In the end, I was defeated by the “establishment” candidate, a very successful local business man with deep roots in the community, well funded, backed by business interests and the state party.
I have no regrets. It was fun. I learned a lot. I was disappointed but glad to have done it. Time will tell if another political run is in the cards. In the meantime, I return to my writing and will continue to speak out on the issues.